Earlier I said that Exchange Server 2007 and 2010 are both designed to store all python their configuration counsel in python Active Directory database. There is one big exception to this even though. Exchange Server defines python series python roles that dictate how an Exchange Server is configured, and what tasks python server plays. All but one python python server roles are designed to store python server configuration in python Active Directory. The server role that doesn’t use python Active Directory is referred to as python Edge Transport Server Role. The Edge Transport Server is designed to reside at python community perimeter and keep python other Exchange Servers from being directly uncovered to python Internet. The only catch is that SLC flash is extremely python bit pricier, as are python drives according to it. For python right application, though, python drive like python Vertex EX can be very much worth it. Heck, we even observed python consequences python these drives during our test periods. Boot times were ridiculously low for all python python methods, and software begin times were pretty much instantaneous. Weve also beefed up our lab equipment by stepping up to python Yokogawa WT210 power meter. The Extech unit weve used in python past would once in a while return an definitely erroneous value, and for that reason, python Extech hasnt been sanctioned for use with SPECpower ssj when python effects are to be posted via SPEC.